Robert Wilkie
PowerPoint briefings on personal hygiene, guard duty at base of operations gates, shuffling troops from unit of measurement to unit of measurement as well as base of operations to base of operations every few years — all these things select away from edifice tight-knit teams as well as training them for combat. The goal, inward brief, is to purge bad habits left over from the draft era, when conscripts were treated every bit costless labor as well as infantrymen, inward particular, every bit unskilled grunts. Instead, the armed forces should process Army as well as Marine infantry similar fighter pilots, every bit highly skilled professionals.
Speaking Midweek at the Association of the US Army, undersecretary for Personnel as well as Readiness Robert Wilkie pointed out 6 problems the project forcefulness wants to fix, whatever of which would last a major endeavor on its own:
End decease past times PowerPoint: Over the years, well-meaning bureaucrats direct hold layered on 1 grooming requirement afterwards some other — briefings on everything from highway security to personal hygiene– that it cuts into grooming for actual combat. Wilkie, a reservist, estimated he spends 4.5 days of his 14-day annual grooming on such briefs. Now the Secretaries of the Army, Air Force, as well as Navy(which includes Marines) direct hold all agreed to systematically cutting dorsum these mandatory grooming requirements.
Stop peeling potatoes: When commanders demand someone to guard the base of operations gates, run the gym, or perform some other mundane task, they oft await to the infantry. After all, if y'all select mechanics or other technical troops away from their tasks, equipment speedily starts breaking down, but if y'all select grunts away from training, the harm isn’t obvious until wartime. The project forcefulness is working on a “workforce rationalization plan” to direct hold civilians create such operate then soldiers as well as Marines tin concentrate on combat.
Train similar the pros: As a Marine Corps general, Mattis in 1 lawsuit noted that infantry grooming hadn’t changed much since World War II, which he constitute unacceptable. Special Operations has led the agency inward borrowing grooming techniques from major league sports — personalized coaching, scientific nutrition, as well as constant repetition alongside careful monitoring of both physical as well as cognitive performance. Not everyone tin qualify for special forces, but regular Army as well as Marine Corps infantry tin replicate this form of intensive, scientific training.
Add virtual training: Instead of reading PowerPoint or peeling potatoes, troops demand to pass their fourth dimension on realistic grooming — but field exercises are expensive, time-consuming to laid up, as well as express to the surround roughly the base. Fighter pilots as well as vehicle crews role simulators to develop over as well as over inward a broad diversity of scenarios, many every bit good unsafe for real-life training, earlier they larn to the field. The Pentagon is at nowadays looking at VR as well as augmented reality technologies for the infantry every bit well. Mattis wants infantry to struggle “25 bloodless battles” earlier they always human face upward existent life-or-death combat, Wilkie said.
Report existent readiness: Today, units pass a peachy bargain of fourth dimension counting the countable — how many troops they have, how much equipment as well as supplies — but that doesn’t capture the qualitative factors that brand a unit of measurement ready for combat. “Clearly at the pocket-size unit of measurement level, the readiness reporting organisation fails us,” the chair of the project force’s advisory board, retired Maj. Gen. Bob Scales, said. He recommends a organisation that measures how much fourth dimension troops pass inward realistic grooming as well as how many direct hold qualified inward telephone substitution skills. Wilkie’s component subdivision is working alongside all the services on how to assess existent readiness.
Keep troops together: Since World War II, the armed forces has treated troops every bit interchangeable parts, moving individuals from project to job, unit of measurement to unit, base of operations to base. Career commissioned as well as non-commissioned officers inward item pay a penalization for staying every bit good long inward 1 project nether a organisation known every bit “up or out.” That mightiness direct hold worked inward the draft era, Wilkie said, when thousands of single conscripts came inward as well as out every year, but it doesn’t gibe a forcefulness of long-service volunteers alongside families. It also breaks upward the tight-knit teams that brand a unit of measurement effective inward battle.
This reform volition last the hardest because it requires non only novel orders inward the Pentagon but revising venerable statutes similar the Defense Officer Personnel Management Act (DOPMA) of 1980. “We tin operate alongside Congress to address that,” Wilkie said, “keeping units together longer, creating the squad musculus retentiveness necessary for success.”

Then-Lt. Gen. James Mattis inward Iraq.
The project forcefulness doesn’t direct hold whatever specific legislative requests for Congress, yet, but Wilkie is already explaining the overall idea. “I’ve already begun evangelizing this concept alongside the Congress,” he said. “I met today alongside several States of America senators, also terminal Mon alongside staffs.”
Army marksmanship simulator. Such systems tin develop specific tasks but non the whole, highly physical skillset required for infantry combat, which is why the armed forces is looking into augmented reality (AR).
Defense Secretary Mattis has empowered Wilkie’s office, the undersecretariat for personnel as well as readiness, to select the Pb on the project force. (The first, equipment-focused stage was Pb past times the Cost Assessment & Program Evaluation office, CAPE). “Secretary Mattis has invested a peachy bargain of fourth dimension as well as endeavor into this undersecretariat,” Wilkie said. “He has tasked us alongside gauging the readiness of the entire force, enforcing decisions, making changes inward forcefulness structure. We are no longer only an oversight body, because this is the Secretary’s priority.”
“I select Secretary Mattis at his give-and-take as well as to substance that this is the endeavor he wants to larn out behind no affair at nowadays long his service every bit secretarial assistant of defense,” Wilkie said.
But how, I asked Scales as well as Wilkie, volition the project forcefulness as well as the personnel & readiness component subdivision compete for attending alongside multi-billion dollar acquisition programs?
“Sydney…you’re a heck of a directly man,” Scales replied. “All every bit good oft when nosotros convey things upward within the Beltway, it straightaway devolves to textile as well as programs as well as technology, (but) nosotros don’t desire this to only last an acquisition program, nosotros desire this to last a catalyst for a transformation of a grade of nation of war that has received then niggling attention….What nosotros promise comes out of this is non only novel machines but new waysof thinking virtually warfare at the tactical level.”
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