Reorienting India’S Export Strategy

By Ajit Ranade

The global headlines these days are dominated yesteryear the unfolding merchandise spat betwixt the U.S.A. together with China. It seems to last next a tit-for-tat sequence. First, the U.S.A. imposed higher tariffs on import of aluminium together with steel, mainly from China. To which, Red People's Republic of China responded yesteryear imposing tariffs on goods worth $3 billion imported from the US. This was followed yesteryear the U.S.A. imposing 25 per cent penalisation tariff on 1,300 Chinese items including electronic components, medical devices, auto together with aircraft components. This was to punish alleged theft of intellectual holding of U.S.A. patents. Red People's Republic of China retaliated inside hours, extending their listing yesteryear unopen to other 106 items, affecting U.S.A. export of beef, cars, soybean together with aircrafts to China. This is escalating into a merchandise state of war together with the earth markets are watching nervously.

Much of this fits amongst President Donald Trump’s rhetoric together with anti-trade stance. He believes that the earth treats America unfairly, inwards benefiting from opened upward borders together with depression import duties inwards the US, together with access to its consumers, but non reciprocating yesteryear keeping their ain countries protected behind high merchandise barriers. So, the U.S.A. nether President Trump is determined to play a game selectively, yesteryear offering carrots of tariff exemptions to “friends”, together with high barriers against others, similar China. It is possible that this selective activeness against few countries violates the rules of the World Trade Organisation. By the fourth dimension fellow member countries drag the U.S.A. to the WTO together with essay their case, it may last equally good late, together with much harm would possess got already been done.
But, away from the high profile spat, 1 must annotation that the commencement activeness that the U.S.A. has taken to the WTO is against India. The U.S.A. has specifically targeted v export oriented schemes of Republic of Republic of India which include the following: merchandise export incentive system (MEIS), export oriented unit of measurement system (EOU), electronic hardware technology scientific discipline parks scheme, special economical zones (SEZ) together with export advertisement uppercase goods system (EPCG). It is interesting to annotation that the U.S.A. is seeking legal remedies from the WTO against India, thereby showing faith inwards the multilateral institution, which it otherwise seems to possess got undermined yesteryear its unilateral actions against Red People's Republic of China together with others. So, that is a heartening point, since India’s interests, too, are inwards strengthening the WTO mechanism. The allegations against Republic of Republic of India are that the schemes violate norms together with are WTO non-compliant. In particular, MEIS is prohibited yesteryear WTO rules, ie members cannot supply specific export subsidies. The other schemes similar EOU, EPCG together with SEZ tin also attract countervailing activeness against India. These charges are currently at the consultation stage after which they may last taken to dispute settlement.

India has hitherto taken refuge inwards a WTO exception rule, which allows it to possess got export subsidies so long equally its per capita income is below 1,000 dollars. But, faster gross domestic product increase has ensured that Republic of Republic of India has crossed this threshold together with tin no longer purpose this to larn an exception from WTO rules. The Commerce Ministry, which formulates the Foreign Trade Policy, has been aware of this, together with inwards its disceptation has cautioned Indian manufacture to last aware that schemes similar MEIS may ask to last phased out to last WTO compliant.

This brings us to the theme of Special Economic Zones. This policy was thoroughly debated inwards Parliament for to a greater extent than than v years, before the SEZ Act was passed inwards 2005. The sentiment was to supply for manufacturing havens, which would last exempt from most taxes together with would possess got earth shape infrastructure together with a rattling calorie-free regulatory burden. The SEZ model was inspired yesteryear China’s success, which proved to last a critical musical instrument inwards its exports-led growth.

It’s of import to annotation that Red People's Republic of China pursued the SEZ policy non explicitly to promote exports per se. It was to supply capitalist havens inwards an otherwise communist country. In the SEZs, unusual investment was welcome, labour laws were flexible, most taxes were exempt, together with infrastructure together with connectivity was on par amongst the best inwards the world. In over 3 decades, Red People's Republic of China managed to displace almost 300 meg people from rural areas to urban manufacturing clusters, including its SEZs. The initial strategy of labour intensive, depression value-added manufacturing expanded job hugely together with also contributed hugely to exports. The State back upward for the increase of SEZs was wide based together with helped industrial cluster evolution but was never interpreted equally a specifically targeted export subsidy, together with hence, did non run afoul of WTO rules. Of course, Red People's Republic of China joined the WTO much later, together with was accorded a handicap, a non-market condition until quite recently. And all these years, Red People's Republic of China has been the recipient of anti-dumping measures from many other WTO members. But, their SEZ policy is non seen equally WTO non-compliant.

The same cannot last said most India’s SEZ policy. It is explicitly aimed at promoting exports, together with its revenue enhancement exemptions are inwards fact export subsidies. However, inwards the yesteryear decade together with more, SEZs inwards Republic of Republic of India is a hope largely unfulfilled. Almost sixty per cent of SEZ units are information technology together with IT-enabled services. They look to possess got shifted to SEZs from their before locations only because their 10A/10B revenue enhancement benefits expired. Less than 10 per cent of operating SEZs inwards the province are multi-product manufacturing units. The SEZs inwards Republic of Republic of India were handicapped farther because revenue enhancement promises of the 2005 Act were broken amongst the introduction of MAT. Goods manufactured inwards SEZs confront duty barriers if trying to sell inwards Republic of Republic of India (the so-called domestic tariff area). The proliferation of India’s bilateral together with regional Free Trade Agreements, similar the 1 amongst ASEAN, Thailand, Korea together with Nippon possess got proved to last death-knell for fresh manufacturing investment. It is profitable for a novel unit of measurement to come upward up inwards Thailand together with larn duty costless access to India’s consumers rather than locate inwards an Indian SEZ together with confront strong duty barriers.

So, Republic of Republic of India should purpose the chance of the U.S.A. challenge together with reorient its SEZ together with other export-oriented policies together with subsidies. The novel replacement should last such so equally to produce goodness manufacture clusters, which cater largely to domestic markets together with also incidentally tin last exporters. Thus, export advertisement should last subsumed inwards a larger framework of industrial policy.

Ajit Ranade is an economist together with Senior Fellow, Takshashila Institution.

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