Giving Thanks, 2018 Edition

     Yes, this is the 24-hour interval for it. Yes, gratitude is the hugger-mugger constituent to happiness. Yes, fifty-fifty inwards the deteriorated atmospheric condition of America today, nosotros each as well as all accept much to live thankful for. Yes, yes, yes. But the park parade of Thanksgiving acknowledgements is fraught amongst cliches as well as repetepetepetition. Some freshness is urgently needed.

     So earlier I laid my fingers to the keys this windy, mutual depression temperature Thanksgiving 2018 morning, I pondered the “outlier” blessings: the ones people tend to slough inwards composing their “I’m thankful for” lists. Here’s what I came upwards amongst – as well as equally usual, your mileage may vary.

     I’m thankful for:

  • Flomax®.
  • Hot running water.
  • The independent-writers movement.
  • A full general contractor who keeps his promises.
  • An automobile mechanic who seems to live able to laid upwards anything.
  • A x twelvemonth erstwhile desktop reckoner that still serves me adequately.
  • The hedge that buffers off the dissonance from the connecting street that runs past times my house.
  • The New York State vino industry, whose products abate many of life’s other unpleasantnesses.
  • A married adult woman who tin out-cook anyone since Brillat-Savarin, can’t abide meddlers or fools, loves the Yankees as well as the Rangers, as well as reads equally compulsively equally I.

     Okay, that’s plenty of the personal blessings. Now let’s instruct to the public ones:

  • Leftist idiots as well as then numb betwixt the earphones that they publicly imply that the federal authorities would purpose nuclear weapons to enforce a gun confiscation.
  • Inexpensive gasoline. (Hey, a gallon for 2 dimes is pretty damned good. They accept to live 2 silver dimes, though.)
  • A Republican Establishment that’s finally shown its truthful colors past times openly stumping for Democrats. Buh-bye, Fredocons!
  • A president – at long last! – who’s willing to tell the heavily left fly “news” media precisely what he thinks of them.
  • The absence — at long last! – of the odious Barack Hussein Obama from our television receiver screens.
  • A president who seems sincerely to set American interests higher upwards all the globalist as well as internationalist BS.
  • A acre amongst so many guns as well as gun owners that would-be tyrants are beaten earlier they start.
  • A rise economical tide that gives the prevarication to the Democrats’ “We’re the political party for minorities” crap.
  • A like shooting fish in a barrel merely sure enough rise social tide that rejects political correctness.

     That’s plenty for a compendious “grace” prayer over the turkey.

     Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Go like shooting fish in a barrel on the stuffing. (Remember why it’s called that.) Though Thanksgiving Day comes merely in 1 lawsuit a year, if non approached amongst caution its lawsuit tin extend through the 364 afterward that, as well as the 365 afterward that, as well as the 366 afterward that, and...!

     (tee hee)

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