
     This 1 took house inwards the local CostCo:

FWP: (looking at what CSO’s carrying) Three pounds of mesquite wings?
CSO: Yes, cause to eat. Don’t worry, I won’t consume them all at once.

FWP: Well, you lot could, exactly you’d regret it later.
CSO: No, I intend I’d regret it correct away.

FWP: I prefer to defer my regretting. I function to a greater extent than mileage out of it that way.
CSO: (sniffs) When produce you lot function to a greater extent than or less to it?
FWP: Saturdays, at Confession.

CSO: Ah, you lot papists. We produce all our regretting on 1 hateful solar daytime every year.
FWP: You matzoh-ball types convey to hang on to a whole year’s regrets waiting for that 1 hateful solar daytime to come upward around. We theophages clear the meter 1 time a week. Less strain on the conscience.

CSO: Figured out how to brand certain you lot croak on a Sunday?
FWP: Working on it.

     Yeah, nosotros function a lot of actually strange looks at times similar those.

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