Euiss Yearbook Of European Safety (Yes) 2018

This YES edi­tion re­views the ac­tors, poli­cies in addition to in­sti­tu­tions that un­der­pinned the EU’s for­eign in addition to se­cu­rity poli­cies inward 2017. These in­clude de­tails nearly the or­ga­ni­za­tional as­pects of the Eu­ro­pean Ex­ter­nal Ac­tion Ser­vice (EEAS), European Union part­ners, re­stric­tive mea­sures, ge­o­graphic in­stru­ments, CSDP mis­sions in addition to op­er­a­tions, European Union agen­cies in addition to bod­ies in addition to the Eu­ro­pean De­fence Tech­no­log­i­cal in addition to In­dus­trial Base. The vol­ume too pro­vides: 1) an overview of the live on pro­grams of the pres­i­den­cies of the Coun­cil of the European Union every bit they re­late to for­eign, se­cu­rity in addition to de­fense pol­icy; 2) nar­ra­tives of the EU’s en­gage­ment alongside se­lect coun­tries in addition to re­gions inward its south­ern in addition to east­ern neigh­bor­hoods in addition to the wider world; 3) an overview of novel European Union de­fense ini­tia­tives such every bit Per­ma­nent Struc­tured Co­op­er­a­tion; 4) a re­view of Eu­ro­pean se­cu­rity inward low-cal of cy­ber­se­cu­rity, in addition to more.

Author Daniel Fiott, Jakob Bund
Series EUISS Books
Copyright © 2018 Eu­ro­pean Union In­sti­tute for Se­cu­rity Stud­ies (EUISS)

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