Also Closed For Comfort: European Geostrategy Together With The Transatlantic Alliance

By Jeremy Shapiro

Geopolitical contest has made a roaring come upwards dorsum inwards recent years. Russian President Vladimir Putin, ever on the cutting border of novel fads, welcomed the novel era with flair terminal calendar week yesteryear introducing an entire novel generation of nuclear weapons aimed at the United StatesBut despite Putin’s nostalgia for the bipolar arms race of the Cold War, U.S.-Russian rivalry is simply i representative of the novel era of bang-up ability competition. Indeed, the United States, nether its mercurial president together with a hawkish Republican administration, seems to live on at odds with a growing array of powers.

During the Cold War, Europeans wisely tied themselves closely to the US inwards its fighting with the Soviet Union. But inwards the new, to a greater extent than complex geopolitical environment, Europe may desire to hold off at America’s growing listing of enemies together with consider a to a greater extent than independent policy.

So far, the listing of enemies includes:


The Trump management has an aggressive merchandise agenda, aimed principally aimed at reducing the massive U.S. merchandise deficit with China. Efforts to croak on Communist People's Republic of China onboard with plans to comprise Democratic People's South Korea delayed its implementation somewhat, but the U.S. has begun to impose a serial of unilateral merchandise barriers, including steel together with aluminium tariffs imposed terminal week.

Trump tweeted out that he welcomes a merchandise state of war that he believes the U.S. tin win. His management seems to live on seeking a showdown at the WTO that volition either fundamentally alter how it deals with Communist People's Republic of China or destroy the organisation.

In answer Communist People's Republic of China has sought to acquaint itself every bit the novel defender of the rules-based monastic enjoin together with a ameliorate partner for Europe on issues similar merchandise together with climate change. As Francois Godement has noted, China’s governance model at dwelling is fundamentally at odds with the liberal international order. But that hasn’t stopped the ground over whether the European Union needs to abide by a residuum betwixt Communist People's Republic of China together with the US.

For the fourth dimension beingness this is an abstract debate. As ECFR’s EU-China ability audit notes, the EU’s electrical flow Communist People's Republic of China policy is centred on merchandise together with investment, together with is largely devoid of geopolitical strategy. Individual fellow member states frequently function with Communist People's Republic of China inwards ways that the US doesn’t like, but the European Union every bit a whole can’t actually conceive of siding with Communist People's Republic of China inwards a geopolitical dispute.

Europe, inwards the assort of France, Germany, together with the United Kingdom of Great Britain together with Northern Ireland (known every bit the E3), sees its efforts on Islamic Republic of Iran together with specially its critical purpose inwards securing the Islamic Republic of Iran nuclear bargain every bit a clear representative of its capacity to influence the US together with secure its geopolitical interests.

But U.S. goals on Islamic Republic of Iran direct keep straightaway changed. The Trump management is seeking confrontation rather than coexistence with the Iranian regime, together with it seems to live on caught betwixt pulling out of the Islamic Republic of Iran nuclear bargain or converting it into a guild with which to crunch the Iranians.

As Ellie Geranmayeh has noted, the electrical flow trajectory heightens the opportunity of a nuclear arms race together with farther armed forces escalation inwards Europe’s backyard. She concludes that a transatlantic clash is coming over Islamic Republic of Iran together with that Europe tin direct keep an independent policy on Iran.

But Europeans, fearful of American secondary sanctions, appear unenthusiastic together with instead are actively seeking to deliver the modifications to the Islamic Republic of Iran bargain that Washington seeks. If they fail, they may blame Washington, but they volition quietly abandon the Islamic Republic of Iran nuclear bargain anyway. They can’t conceive of trying to instruct into function inwards the aspect of American opposition.


As Kadri Liik notes inwards the (forthcoming) EU-Russia ability audit, Europeans at commencement saw Russia’s human relationship with the US nether Trump every bit unsafe because of the potential for Washington together with Moscow to collude. Now, European officials fearfulness that the US together with Russian Federation powerfulness collide. The dual fearfulness reveals the extent to which the European Union is theme on a fragile residuum inwards US-Russian relations that is unlikely to sustain itself.

The Washington unusual policy establishment, next Russian interference inwards the US election, already sees itself inwards a novel Cold War with Putin’s Russia, with that contest already spilling over into, for example, Ukraine. U.S. policy inwards Ukraine straightaway seeks less to settle the conflict than to instruct into a headache for the Russians. That policy would appear at odds with European interests, but Europeans appear content to cede that policy expanse to a Trump management that has shown piddling involvement inwards European opinions.


Turkey is of class a NATO ally. But U.S. relations with Turkey direct keep deteriorated to such an extent that the New York Times is speculating almost whether the 2 countries volition instruct to war. U.S-Turkish disputes over Kurdish forces inwards Syria, Washington’s refusal to extradite Fethullah Gulen, the Zarrab corruption trial inwards New York, together with Turkish arms purchases from Russia, alongside others, direct keep seat the one-time allies on a collision course, with the U.S. straightaway portrayed in the Turkish press every bit the primary safety threat to Turkey.

As Asli Aydintasbas has noted, every bit U.S.-Turkish relations direct keep deteriorated, Turkish President Erdogan is turning dorsum to Europe and, inwards purpose for economical reasons, seeking an independent human relationship with Europe. Turkey remains critical for Europe on a host of issues, non to the lowest degree immigration – a breakdown inwards relations would live on a disaster for both sides.

The European Union has a to a greater extent than independent human relationship with Turkey than with the other powers mentioned. It is an European Union accession province together with the European Union is its largest economical partner. But fifty-fifty inwards this case, the thought that the European Union or its fellow member states would direct keep an independent seat from the US on geopolitical questions – such every bit back upwards for the Syrian Kurds, Turkish efforts inwards Syrian Arab Republic together with Iraq, or the sale of Russian anti-aircraft systems to the Turkish armed forces – seems impossible to imagine.

Europe is a bang-up ability too, right?

From a U.S. perspective, this is an impressive array of potential enemies together with shows a lack of strategic prioritisation that must brand Henry Kissinger despair. But the U.S. has at to the lowest degree made a witting pick to direct keep this course. From a European perspective, the lack of strategic options across these critical relationships demonstrates the extent to which European unusual policy, specially toward bang-up powers, remains theme on the American position.

Europe’s relations with each of these countries has its ain dynamics, of course. But inwards ECFR’s year-end endeavour to define the unusual policy trends that volition define 2018, it was hitting that each contributor emphasized that the most of import (and most unpredictable) element inwards Europe’s approach to nearly every bang-up ability was the United States.

Even on issues relatively some the European Union border similar Ukraine together with Syria, at that spot is piddling capacity to depict distinct European interests together with to define an independent geopolitical strategy to secure them. The European Union every bit a whole has no integrated or coherent strategy for managing relations with bang-up powers, piece the European Union fellow member states normally don’t direct keep a geo-strategic approach either.

This province of affairs is non remotely new; indeed it is a long tradition that has served Europeans well. But straightaway Europeans direct keep to a greater extent than divergent interests than during the Cold War, piece the US has a notably unstable president together with a doctrine that specifically touts its intention to ignore the interests of other countries.

The query for Europe straightaway is whether it needs to de-couple its strategy toward regional bang-up powers from that of the United States. Decoupling does non hateful opposition to the United States. Regardless of the eccentricities of the Trump administration, the economic, cultural, together with ideological links betwixt Europe together with the US agency that it volition together with should stay Europe’s closest geopolitical ally. Rather, decoupling agency creating a capacity to define – and, when appropriate, pursue – its interests independently of the United States.

For the moment, European strategic determination making is non upwards to that task. Until it is, America’s enemies volition live on Europe’s every bit well.

About the Author

Jeremy Shapiro is Research Director at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).
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